Thursday, September 07, 2006

Orders from SHIELD- coming in

I received my orders from SHIELD. A list of heroes I was to speak to and persuade to file the documents for the registration act.
Carol was busy and I didn't want to wait for her to finish her report to HQ.
Some strange going ons have happened that SHIELD want explained…

This isn't my concern… The first on my list was a half Sayian. Cain Reaper.
He was easy enough to find. I had taken Janet with me, AKA the Wasp…
Mr. Fury also insisted that I take two of our goons though I was sure I wouldn't need them.

Once I had arrived at the domain of Mr. Reaper a female greeted us. I didn't catch her name and there was no record of a spouse. However the Sayians are secretive.

To my surprise Mr. Reaper was going to sign the papers, that is until he saw the commotion on the news. That fool, Wonder-Briefs and one of the Sayians that works with Mr. Fury was making what was suppose to be a quiet pick up…. Well at least the other Sayian got his man..

This however set Mr. Reaper off. He fled carrying his(I assume) girlfriend, with him.

"Shouldn't we go after him?" Janet asked.

"No Nick said he wants this done quietly. We have too much commotion as it is. We will get Mr. Reaper but for now we will pay another person a visit."

As I was walking out the door I ran into Carol…

"I asked you to wait." She yelled.

"Did you?" I said walking past her…

"Did Reaper sign?" Carol continued to ask

"NO, we will pick Mr. Reaper up later. Right now I am off to visit your friend." I said handing Carol the file…


Blogger Warbird said...

you were suppose to wait

11:44 AM  
Blogger The Grim Reaper said...

bah! you mean you can try

11:55 AM  
Blogger The Hulk said...

I want to see you try to register me

1:24 PM  
Blogger Professor Xavier said...

We know you're trouble, Hulk. That's why we tricked you off the planet.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Professor Xavier said...

I mean why Reed Richards ticked you off!!

Reed Richards!!

He's the one you want!!

2:01 PM  
Blogger Black Widow said...

rolls eyes at warbird
we shall see Cain
no it will be your downfall Mr Henchman

shakes head at hulk and Xavier

12:29 PM  

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